Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Before and After Results From Fat Loss 4 Idiots

See Before and After Results From Fat Loss 4 Idiots

Before and After Pictures

Before and After Pictures

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Anonymous said...

Let me just add that Weight Loss 4 Idiots (yeah the Idiots makes me kinda cringe..) has fantastic advice on how to stay slim once you lose the weight. It is the first diet that I really feel like I could stick to and its also the first diet that I can get excited about doing.

Anonymous said...

I Love it! I am a competative triathlete and have a few extra pounds I had to lose. Nothing seemed to work as my body was always looking for food to replace the work out. I never, for one moment believed the 9lb loss but I liked the setup of the short term, easy to follow diet. This is not a long term thing - good for a few sessions and then your body needs to stabelize before starting again. I lost weight very easily (12lbs) and kept it off for months now. I am going to do another 2 sessions to lose a bit more.. Again, good as short term only as per their advertising - they explain that very well. And I enjoyed the food! (I have never had success with other methods)

Anonymous said...

Hi Stella,
I used low cholestrol butter to cook my omlette, but thats just becuase I love cooking with it. I honsetly don't think it matters but it pays to try and go for lighter oil or butter. BTW I am on cheat day 3 of third session.30Lb down, WOOOHOOO!! I don't even think of it as a diet anymore, its changed the way I eat and the way I view food. To think of all the crap I let myself ingest before. For me it given me control over my body, who knew common sense could be so GREAT!!! I had a 2 month span between my second session and third and still going strong...I exercise for 45minutes 5 days a week. I believe in what WW4I has done for me...results vary but $27 is nothing compared to what I got
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Anonymous said...

hi modo,
Is this your first set of 11 days? WOW, 10lbs is great. This is my first day and I feel great. I just get a bit nervous trying to make sure I eat enought but not to much? I am following this strictly so I hope to see at least 9lbs in 11 days. Keep me posted!

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I'm still waiting for the day when I will finally be able to afford a 20 terabyte drive, haha. But for now I guess I will be satisfied with having a 32 GB Micro SD in my R4i.

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